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No New Posts Astronomy

Astronomy is one of the only fields of study at Hogwarts which has a direct equivalent in the Muggle world. Known student activities include learning the names of stars, constellations and planets, as well as their location and movements, and describing the environments of planets and moons.

Moderator: Hermione Granger

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No New Posts Charms

Charms is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It teaches general spells and wandwork, including such spells as Wingardium Leviosa, Accio and Aguamenti. Spells taught in this class are typically refered to as "charms," though this term can describe a myriad of spells.

Moderator: Hermione Granger

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No New Posts Defense Against the Dark Arts

Defence Against the Dark Arts, also known by its acronym D.A.D.A., is a class taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that focuses on defensive techniques to block spells, charms, curses, hexes, and jinxes cast by other wizards and witches, counteract the Dark Arts, and to protect from dark magical beasts and creatures such as the boggart. Defence Against the Dark Arts is taught to Hogwarts students from the first year to the fifth, with the option of N.E.W.T. classes in the sixth and seventh years for students who qualify.

Moderator: Hermione Granger

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No New Posts Herbology

Herbology is the study of magical and mundane plants and fungi. In Herbology, students learn to care for and utilize plants, and learn about their magical properties, and what they are used for. Many plants provide ingredients for potions and medicine, while others have magical effects of their own right.

Moderator: Hermione Granger

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No New Posts History of Magic

History of Magic is a required class for all students attending Hogwarts. The class is a study of magical history. History of Magic is taught from the first year to the fifth, with the option of an N.E.W.T. course in the sixth and seventh years. The lesson plan usually consists of lectures on the 'History of Wizards and the Magical World' (in which goblin rebellions appear most memorably). This class is similar to the study of History in the Muggle World, as particular emphasis is placed upon remembering dates, names and events.

Moderator: Hermione Granger

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No New Posts Potions

Potions is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In this class, students learn how to brew potions, following specific recipes and using various magical ingredients to create their potions, starting with simple ones first and moving to more advanced ones as they progress in knowledge. A standard potions kit includes plant ingredients such as Belladonna and supplies such as glass phials and weighing scales. Potions lessons take place in the Hogwarts dungeons.

Moderator: Hermione Granger

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No New Posts Transfiguration

Transfiguration is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It teaches the art of changing of the form and appearance of an object. This type of magic is commonly referred to as "Transfiguration." There are limits to transfiguration, which are governed by Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration. There are also many branches of Transfiguration, including Cross-Species Transfiguration and Human Transfiguration.

Moderator: Hermione Granger

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Hermione Granger 0 1,718 by Hermione Granger
Jun 17, 2011 14:37:29 GMT
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Hermione Granger 0 488 by Hermione Granger
Jun 16, 2011 15:33:19 GMT


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